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Thursday, July 1, 2010


Sport Bra for Runners
Run without a sports bra - the odd day lost is packed into a gym bag - can be a little uncomfortable woman. Breasts bounce 135 feet as a woman a mile walk. Technology is available under the current goes on much cause chest pain and permanent damage to the woman's breast.
Loop Movement and Breast

Either way, the road running or walking on a treadmill at home or at the gym, a woman's breasts will move up and down, side to side, up and down and in and out. When running, the woman's breasts is not a "figure eight".
Cooper's ligaments

A woman walking places stress on the Cooper's ligaments, no matter the size of her breasts. A breast can weigh between 200-300 grams. breast movement while running the wrong bra, breast skin and the outer connective tissue - ligaments Cooper's - forever damaged. Walk no proper support from a sports bra can do and let the pain hearts slack.
Running, Speed, and breast pain

New research conducted by the University of Port-based academic Dr Joanna Scurr, presented at the annual conference "At the crossroads of science and practice" of the American College of Sports Medicine in May 2008 noted that breastfeeding is the moving speed is important in reducing pain and limiting damage to the chest, a woman breast by running.

Millions of women can experience breast pain in the exercise of taking pain medication regularly. International tennis star Anna Kournikova has a campaign to get women wear sports bras.